Berlin summary

Berlin summary

Greetings, here is our summary of the past few days when we were in Berlin at Tech Open Air and visited our friends at stylemarks…



Guess what!We relaunched our landing page and blog. What about the current state of development? The interface design is finished except for the email template.…

Concept & History

Concept & History

Good morning, in this post we want to explain what cliperize actually is, how it works and what the benefits are. Imagine you discover a…

Cliperize × Berlin

Cliperize × Berlin

Hey cliperizers, after our big news on Tuesday we´ll now announce our weekly retrospect. We´ll keep you updated about the things we´ve learned, experienced, ate…

cliperize × hub:raum

cliperize × hub:raum

Hey folks, today we got big news for you. We´re part of the very first accelerator program at hub:raum Berlin. If you follow us on…